Attila Dargay born 85 years ago
The 85th anniversary of Attila Dargays birth marked by two commemorative covers
Attila Dargay’s illustrations for the cartoon Vuk can be seen on the
commemorative covers which will be a special philatelic edition. The
first four denominations (1 Ft,1 Ft, 2 Ft and 2 Ft) of the stamps series
titled “Figures from the Hungarian Cartoon Vuk 1982” will appear as
stamps on one of the covers and the last three denominations (4 Ft, 6 Ft
and 8 Ft) on the other. The stamps are decorated by a commemorative
postmark depicting Attila Dargay’s portrait and signature. The
commemorative covers are based on a design by stamp designer graphic
artist Barnabás Baticz, They will be printed by Con-X Printers and
issued on 20 June 2012 with a circulation of 1,000 each.
Attila Dargay (Mezőnyék, 20 June 1927 – Budapest, 20 October 2009,
cartoon director and graphic artist) played an outstanding role in
creating Hungarian cartoons, and became famous for his works imbued with
humour that captivated adults and children alike. His highly popular
cartoons reached numerous countries all over the world and enjoyed great
success. He graduated from the College of Fine Arts in 1949 and from
1951 was closely associated with the Hungarian cartoon industry. In the
course of his life he made more than 100 cartoons, among which short
features, series and full-length feature films can be found. The main
protagonist of the cartoon Vuk, a little fox cub, became a true star of
Hun-garian animation. In addition to his illustrations of stories and
books for children he also designed comics and placards. He was awarded
the Béla Balázs Prize, received the titles Merited and Outstanding
Artist, won the Life Achievement Award, and was honorary citizen of
Commemorative cover I of Attila Dargay born 85 years ago, item number: 2012151060112 • selling price: 400 Ft
Commemorative cover II of Attila Dargay born 85 years ago, item number: 2012151060212 • selling price: 500 Ft