30th Olympic Games, LONDON 2012
The commemorative stamp series in two denominations were designed
by graphic artist Ágnes Berta and printed by the State Printing Company.
In keeping with tradition the artist immortalised a moment from two
branches of sport on the Olympic stamps, swimming and kayaking. The
stamp series will be published on 22 June 2012, the official day that
Hungarian Olympic participants take their oath, and a few days later, on
25 June, their ceremonial launch will take place in the Hungarian House
of Sport. According to research, the first Olympic Games
were held in 776 BC, following which they were usually organised every
four years. The popularity of the games continually increased and
reached its zenith in the 5th and 6th centuries BC. The revival of the
Olympic Games in modern times is linked to the name of Pierre de
Coubertin, who sought to renew the celebration of sport and to
facilitate this summoned together a conference lasting from 16 to 23
June 1894 under the auspices of the French Union of Athletic Sports
Societies. He conveyed his aspirations at the congress and the
participants made the decision to renew the Olympic Games, set the first
venue and established the International Olympic Committee.

The international 30th Summer Olympic Games will take place in London between 27 July and 12 August 2012. Through this London will become the first city to organise the modern summer Olympics three times since it has already hosted on two other occasions, in 1908 and in 1948. The IOC selected London to organise the summer Olympic Games during its 117th session held on 6 July 2005 in Singapore. The city’s tender beat Moscow, New York, Madrid and Paris in a four-round vote. The Olympic flag was hoisted before London City Hall on 26 September 2008. The Olympics will be organised in a total of 39 branches in 26 sports. It is anticipated that 204 nationalities will be represented by their sports people with over 150 contestants representing Hungary. (Source: hu.wikipedia.org, mob.hu)
Order code: 2012130050211 (stamp series), 2012130060012 (FDC)
Date of issue: 22 June 2012
Total nominal value: 675 Ft
Number of copies: 100,000
Perforated size of stamp: 40 x 40 mm (50 stamps/sheet)
Printed by Állami Nyomda
Designed by Ágnes Berta