Information request about postal customs agent services

Contacting with the Customer Service electronically. Sending questions and remarks. We inform you that there is no personal customer service at the 181 Budapest post office operating at the Liszt Ferenc International Airport and at the International Postal Exchange Center.

Information on data management can be found on the site under the title Helpful Information, in Privacy notice.

Köszönjük, hogy kitöltötte űrlapunkat!

A mező kitöltése kötelező.
A mező kitöltése kötelező. Hibás mező formátum.
A mező kitöltése kötelező. Hibás mező formátum.
Entering a phone number is optional, but it may quicken administration. Telephone contact will be made only if it is necessary for the case.
If you do not ask a general question but are interested in a specific postal item, please be sure to provide the Postal Item ID. The first 2 characters of the international postal ID are letters followed by 9 digits and ending with 2 letters. The initial letter is always one of the following letters U, L, R, C, E, V.
A mező kitöltése kötelező.
The name of the addressee indicated in the addressing of the postal item.
A mező kitöltése kötelező.
The postal code indicated in the addressing of the postal item.
A mező kitöltése kötelező.
Address details according to the addressing of the postal item
A mező kitöltése kötelező.


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