250th anniversary of Semmelweis University
Magyar Posta is honouring the 250th anniversary of Semmelweis University by issuing a commemorative sheet. In addition to the commemorative sheet marking the occasion, the decorative folder contains the stamp depicting Ignác Semmelweis from the series “Pioneers of Medicine” issued in 1987. Two thousand copies of the folder and commemorative sheet designed by Balázs Baksa were printed by ANY Security Printing Company. The new issue will go on sale on 17 March 2020 and from that date will be available at Filaposta and www.posta.hu-n.
Semmelweis University is the oldest medical and pharmacy school in Hungary still in operation today. On the bicentenary of the foundation of the Faculty of Medicine on 7 November 1969, the institution adopted the name of its most famous professor, Ignác Semmelweis, often referred to as “the saviour of mothers”. With its six faculties today, Semmelweis University plays a prestigious role among Hungarian higher education institutions specialised in health sciences. Its main commitment is based on the integrity of education, research and healthcare, which makes the university an internationally recognised centre of knowledge.The commemorative sheet features the University’s sceptre with the facade of its building in the background. The graphic design of the folder uses details of Semmelweis University’s interior ornamentation and objects. The founder of the Faculty of Medicine, Maria Theresa, appears on the first page with the seal of the Faculty from the period beneath her. On the right-hand page next to the commemorative sheet is the figure of Ignác Semmelweis from a portrait by Mór Than, which the designer has set in the surroundings of the University. The postmark uses the jubilee logo of Semmelweis University.